The blending of theory and practice in modern rail grinding

Modern rail grinding practices have developed largely through a combination of field experience and intuitive speculation. Many theories related to crack initiation and growth have been proposed through the decades, and those concepts have been cleverly extended to the field of rail grinding to form the basis of the practice known as 'preventive grinding'.

Dynamic Analysis of a Novel Rail-Grinding Car Using Open ...

Nowadays, applying rail grinding has been worldwide recognized as the routine maintenance approach to improving the wheel-rail relationship, as well as extending the rail's serving life. However, the traditional rail repair technology with the abrasive wheel or the milling cutter is getting harder to meet the increasing demand for high efficiency with high speed.

Rail grinding for the 21st century – taking a lead from ...

Article information Abstract Rail grinding is a key maintenance activity for Network Rail. It is performed at night through possession of the track, so process speed is critical. Increasing the metal removal rate (MRR) of the rail grinding operations would be a way to improve the time taken for this operation.

Speno to deliver rail grinding machine to KiwiRail

KiwiRail has signed an agreement with Speno Rail Maintenance Australia (Speno) to supply a 51m specialised rail grinding machine to maintain 2,800km of track in New Zealand. Share Article The $30m RR24M-30A rail grinder, which will undertake rail surface smoothing work, is scheduled to arrive in August 2012, while track work is expected to start in September.

Wheel Re-Profiling and Rail Grinding Strategies on Wiener ...

By Edgar Fischmeister, Markus Ossberger, Roman Pongracz and Paul Mittermayr • January, 2008 Part 1 of this article can be seen here. Rail Grinding Traditionally, the rail head at Wiener Linien was ground as a five-sided polygon (see Figure 1). This approach has some negative impact on wheel wear, especially in …

Effects of Grinding Passes and Direction on Material ...

Rail grinding has widely been used in railways and has been involved in many studies in recent decades. Previous research in the field of rail grinding has mainly focused on the design of rail grinding patterns [1,4], the design of grinding rail profiles [5,6], temperature fields in the rail grinding process [7,8] and grinding train dynamics [9 ...

Key Links and Intelligent Realization of Rail Profile Grinding

;The implementation process of rail profile grinding was described. The key links of target profile design, grinding mode design and result acceptance evaluation were analyzed. The design methods of each link were proposed and the relevant computer intelligent design program was developed.

Surface integrity during rail grinding under wet ...

Rail grinding will cause poor surface integrity when the critical grinding temperature is exceeded. To improve the grinding quality and explore the feasibility of grinding operations in rainy days, this study first investigated the surface integrity during rail grinding under wet conditions, including surface roughness, grinding burn, phase transition, residual stress, etc.

Milling & Grinding - News, Articles and Whitepapers ...

article Grinding and milling are essential to rail quality. 23 January 2009 | By James Abbott, Technical Editor, Global Railway Review. Rail grinding helps to prevent the dangerous build-up of rolling contact fatigue, and also reduces running noise for …

Investigating the effects of a network-wide rail grinding ...

The results show a substantial apparent reduction in rail surface roughness and associated wayside noise levels since a similar study was undertaken in 2004, and demonstrate how a maintenance rail grinding strategy can potentially reduce wayside noise levels across large parts of a railway network.


Indian Railway Maintenance with Rail Grinding was introduced in 1992. RGM-SX11, a 16 stone grinder was run on KK line of S.E.Railway. Grinding was done on sharp curves. Drastic reduction in rail fractures and reduction in derailments was observed .The machine was then

A laboratory demonstration of rail grinding and analysis ...

Rail grinding has been widely used for rail maintenance to keep the performance of the rail track at satisfactory levels. However, there is a lack of knowledge on the relationship between different grinding parameters and the effect on the rails and the …

Microscopic contact pressure and material removal modeling ...

Although the abrasive features indeed have a great influence on this rail grinding process, the surface topography of abrasive belt regarding grits at the microscopic scale is neglected. In this article, a microscopic contact pressure model was developed to reveal the contact behavior of every active grit based on the digital representation of the surface …


FEATURE ARTICLE - RAIL GRINDING This feature article originally appeared in the July, 2007 issue of Interface - The Journal of Wheel/Rail Interaction REPRINTED COURTESY OF INTERFACE JOURNAL 1 continued on page 2 Figure 1. Modern rail grinding equipment, which is designed to fit within tight clearance envelopes, can produce the desired rail

A novel prediction method for rail grinding profile based ...

The grinding parameters, including the travel speed of the grinding train v, the deflection angle of a grinding stone θ, and the power of the motor driving the grinding stone P, are adjusted based on the designed target profile and the actual wear or damage situation of the rail profile during grinding operation.Every grinding stone has its own grinding parameters …

Understanding Why, When and How Rail Grinding is Performed

• Key role of grinding is to control and remove rail surface defects – Grinding templates and patterns to address class of defects • NOT ALL DEFECTS HAVE TO BE COMPLETELY REMOVED • Important to know when to stop grinding – Do not want to grind away all of the work hardened rail head – Grinding on a regular cycle allows for long term defect control

Accident involving a rail grinding train - Onderzoeksraad

The Dutch Safety Board has investigated the train accident in Stavoren that took place late in the evening on Sunday 25 July 2010. Upon arrival at the final destination of Stavoren station, a SPENO rail grinder, which had been commissioned by ProRail for rail grinding work on the track, drove through the buffer at high speed.

The What, Where, Why and How of Rail Grinding - Interface ...

The Art and Science of Rail Grinding, by Allan M. Zarembski Book review by Bob Tuzik • March, 2006 If you're like me, your filing cabinet is stuffed with articles from various publications. If you're organized, you may have a specific folder or binder with articles on rail grinding clipped …

Grinding and Milling are Essential for Rail Quality ...

Grinding shaves off the top surface of the rail, removing the cracks before they have a chance to propagate down into the web and thus preventing rail breaks. A study by the European Commission suggests that RCF management is a costly exercise, with a figure of €300 million mentioned for managing the problem each year on the European railway network.

[PDF] Influence of Rail Surface Roughness Formed by Rail ...

In this article, authors analyze the effects of initial rail surface roughness on the speed of onset for rail rolling contact fatigue (RCF) due to friction. A twin-disk rolling contact machine was used to analyze a number of perspectives such as surface roughness, plastic flow, hardness, and axis density of crystals. Rail roughness often occurs as a side-effect of …


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